Surah Al-Anbiya Verse 39 - English Translation by Ali Bakhtiari Nejad
Surah Al-Anbiyaلَوۡ يَعۡلَمُ ٱلَّذِينَ كَفَرُواْ حِينَ لَا يَكُفُّونَ عَن وُجُوهِهِمُ ٱلنَّارَ وَلَا عَن ظُهُورِهِمۡ وَلَا هُمۡ يُنصَرُونَ
If those who disbelieved knew of the time that they will not be able to keep the fire away from their faces and from their backs and they will not be helped (then they would not say such things)