Surah Al-Anbiya Verse 47 - English Translation by Abdul Majid Daryabadi
Surah Al-Anbiyaوَنَضَعُ ٱلۡمَوَٰزِينَ ٱلۡقِسۡطَ لِيَوۡمِ ٱلۡقِيَٰمَةِ فَلَا تُظۡلَمُ نَفۡسٞ شَيۡـٔٗاۖ وَإِن كَانَ مِثۡقَالَ حَبَّةٖ مِّنۡ خَرۡدَلٍ أَتَيۡنَا بِهَاۗ وَكَفَىٰ بِنَا حَٰسِبِينَ
And We shall set balances of justice for the Day of Judgment; then no soul shall be wronged at all; and if it be but the weight of a grain of mustard-seed We shall bring it; and We suffice as Reckoners