Surah An-Naml Verse 37 - English Translation by Abdul Hye
Surah An-Namlٱرۡجِعۡ إِلَيۡهِمۡ فَلَنَأۡتِيَنَّهُم بِجُنُودٖ لَّا قِبَلَ لَهُم بِهَا وَلَنُخۡرِجَنَّهُم مِّنۡهَآ أَذِلَّةٗ وَهُمۡ صَٰغِرُونَ
(Solomon said to the chief of her messengers who brought the present): Go back to them (your people). (If your people don’t submit) surely we shall come to them with army which they will never be able to resist, we shall drive them out from there (land) in disgrace, and they will be humiliated.”